Study of Ionospheric Irregularities in the Vicinity of SED Region During a Super Geomagnetic Storm 暴时密度增强区附近电离层不均匀体研究
During ionospheric storm periods, the existing prediction methods for the critical frequency of ionospheric F2 layer ( foF2) can not satisfy the requirements of the practical applications. 在电离层风暴期,现存的电离层F2层临界频率预测方法不能满足实际应用的要求。
Short-term Forecast of f_0F_2 Based on Ionospheric Storm Empirical Model and Kalman Filter 基于电离层暴时f0F2经验模型Kalman滤波短期预报
Morphology analysis and theoretical study of global ionospheric disturbances during magnetic storm times 磁暴期间全球电离层扰动形态分析和理论研究
The key of ionospheric weather is ionospheric storm. 电离层天气研究的重点是电离层暴。
The formation mechanism of the present ionospheric storm was discussed. 对暴变形态特征及其形成机制进行了一些初步讨论。
Performance analysis of ionospheric grid model during storm for wide area augmentation system 磁暴期间增强系统电离层网格模型性能分析
Global Ionospheric Response to the Geomagnetic Storm Event of April 6-7, 2000 全球电离层对2000年4月6-7日磁暴事件的响应
This thesis discussed most of its part on the ionospheric anomaly of annual cycle and storm behavior in the mid-and low latitudes. 本文着重研究中低纬电离层的年度异常变化与暴时特性。
Observational study of Ionospheric TEC during the magnetic storm on April 6& 8, 2000 2000年4月6&8日磁暴期间电离层TEC观测研究
The simulation results show that: neutral winds can restrain from the vertical upward drift of ionospheric plasma at the storm time, and delay the formation of "empty out" at the bottom of ionospheric F-layer. 通过计算机模拟发现:中性风能够对暴时电离层等离子体的垂直向上漂移产生抑制作用,并延迟电离层F层底部抛空的形成;
^ The Ionospheric Storm Group Generated by the Severe Solar Activities and the Characters of Storm Group at the Mid-Low Latitude 强太阳活动引起的电离层暴群及暴群的中低纬特性
The results of data analysis showed that during the main and early recovery phases of the geomagnetic storm, a negative ionospheric F2 layer storm occurred globally. 结果表明,在磁暴主相和恢复相早期,出现了全球性的电离层F2层负相暴效应。
Morphology analysis of mid and low latitude ionospheric response to geomagnetic storm 磁暴期间中低纬电离层暴形态和物理机制分析
The ionospheric disturbances at the high-latitude have the evident local time effect in the recovery phase of storm with no delayed main phase. The local time effect is enhanced with the reduction of latitude, and evidently affects on the ionosphere disturbances at the middle-low latitudes. 高纬电离层扰动在非延迟型主相磁暴恢复相期间会出现明显的地方时效应,地方时效应随纬度的降低而增强,并且会明显影响到中低纬电离层的扰动;
Ionospheric negative phase storm effects are exhibited in the reconstruction results during the magnetic storm. The study of present paper confirms that ( time-dependent) 3-D CIT with ground-based GPS network and occultation observations is a powerful tool to monitor large-scale ionospheric structures under disturbed conditions. 重建结果清晰地显示了磁暴期间电离层负相暴效应,表明结合GPS地面台网和掩星观测的时变三维电离层层析可以有效地监测扰动条件下的大尺度电离层结构。
The solar flares in February 1986 caused remarkable geomagnetic storm and ionospheric storm. 1986年2月的太阳耀斑爆发导致了强烈的磁暴和电离层暴。
Global features of the ionospheric disturbance during a magnetic storm on 7-9 Feb., 1986 are analyzed by using ionosonde data from stations distributed nearby 4 meridian chains. 用四个经度链附近电离层垂测资料,分析1986年2月6-10日磁暴期间的电离层扰动现象。
To find out how these anomalies are produced may help us understand the fundamental physical and chemical processes that control the ionosphere behavior, and more importantly, is essential for the investigation of ionospheric storm. 弄清电离层中异常行为造成的原因有助于我们了解电离层是如何受各种物理和化学过程的影响和控制的。